Joint Pain and Medication

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Do you suffer from joint pain? Many sufferers who have painful joints lose part of their quality of life. After all, with severe and/or persistent pain, it is no longer easy to cope with everyday life. Exercising often becomes more difficult or even impossible. At the Volksversand mail-order pharmacy you will find the right non-prescription preparations – for example, medicines against rheumatism.

What types of joint pain are there?

Joint pain is also known in technical terms as arthralgia – any joint in the body can be affected. How severe the pain in the joint varies from case to case: some suffer from particularly severe pain, while others only suffer from slight pain. How long they last also differs: joint pain can be both acute and chronic. The intensity and duration of symptoms depend on the cause.

It also happens that painful joints occur for a limited time in the course of flu or a flu-like infection and the pain has disappeared after recovery.

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Painful joints: what are the possible causes?

Apart from the fact that joint pain can be a temporary side effect of a cold or flu, there are many causes of joint pain: Often those affected are already dealing with joint inflammation or wear and tear diseases. Mechanical influences can also be the cause – these include injuries such as bruises and dislocations or overloading of the joints. Being overweight can also lead to painful joints in the long term.

Diseases are often responsible for joint pain. Some diseases where this may be the case are listed below:

  • rheumatism
  • arthrosis
  • hepatitis
  • arthritis
  • cruciate ligament tear
  • meniscus tear
  • Lyme disease
  • Boeck’s disease
  • meningitis

Joint pain: which medications help?

Joint pain medication comes in the form of tablets, capsules, gels, and creams which may be a little costly. Before you decide on a drug for joint pain, it is best to talk to your family doctor so that the exact causes can be clarified. Only when the cause is known can you effectively counteract the symptoms. If the joint pain is due to rheumatism, then you probably need a special rheumatism medication.

For joint pain, tablets with homeopathic effects are popular – especially the remedy Traumeel. Dietary supplements can also alleviate the symptoms because if your body is supplied with the best possible nutrients, this also improves its self-healing powers. The following vitamins and minerals can help with joint pain:

  • folic acid
  • sodium selenite
  • vitamin C
  • zinc

Pain ointments and gels can also reduce joint pain: Such ointments and gels often contain the active ingredients ibuprofen or diclofenac. These have a pain-relieving effect on the one hand and an anti-inflammatory effect on the other.