The possibility of treating tinnitus with the help of targeted hypnosis interventions is still relatively unknown. Therefore, it may seem helpful to one or the other affected person to also receive information about this possibility.
The causes of tinnitus can be very different. Causes and effects can vary greatly from person to person. Therefore, the treatment of tinnitus is often far more difficult than the person affected might wish. Many treatment approaches in their application are often misleading or suggest a different picture.
Dealing with the tinnitus
It is not uncommon for tinnitus to subside within four weeks. There are also many cases in which the tinnitus is hardly noticed by the person affected and thus does not trigger any psychological strain. However, tinnitus often remains distressing, even leading to significant limitations and negative consequences in everyday life.
Restrictions in quality of life and professional performance are not uncommon. For many, suffering intensifies when stressful situations arise. Many of those affected can deal with it well and suffer little. This is referred to as compensated tinnitus. If this is experienced by the person affected as stressful and tormenting, this is referred to as decompensated.
New insights into the treatment of tinnitus
Many of those affected are starting to despair, especially because of the variety of treatment methods on offer. Many of the previous treatment approaches do not take current neuroscientific treatment approaches into account. The scientific consensus is that hearing impairment precedes tinnitus in most cases. But at its core, there are central areas in the brain that are responsible for sound perception.
Certain hypnosis for depression (Hypnose gegen Depression) procedures offer opportunities to influence or correct faulty activation patterns. However, other therapy methods hardly take these findings into account.
Being open and sensitive to everything means being aware when in doubt that reduction in the noise in the ear can hardly be possible for neurological reasons alone. But even in these cases, working on the negative feelings associated with the ringing in the ear can bring a significant improvement in the quality of life.
This means that the sufferer learns to stop perceiving the distressing sound as important and predominant. Hypnotic interventions are particularly well suited to train better handling of the noise in the ear. This also includes dealing better with negative stress by learning relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, self-hypnosis, and meditation.